Dear Lisa and Matt,

Thanks as always for your great work on _______. It’s beautiful.

Sorry we gave you a few headaches — but I love how you all take everything in stride.

Looking forward to working with you on the next one. 

Best —




Yesterday Diane gave me a copy of the case statement for the addition to the Kogod building. It is a stunning piece! In addition to its professional look and feel, it presents a substantive and compelling story. The graphics, copy, and rendering are all absolutely on target. 

Today I gave the statement to my executive committee. They too were absolutely inspired. 

Well done & many thanks,


We receive notes like this regularly. Yes, they’re typically in email form more often than handwritten these days. But these are the types of “awards” we find most rewarding.

(Note: many of our clients are prevented by their organizational policy from showing public support for an outside entity, which explains our redacting here.)